Tricia reported a Scammer/Fraudster (7736092397 from CHICAGO area, IL). The following comments were posted: I was selling a product on craigslist, specifying that I would accept CASH ONLY for the items. This phone number text messaged me, offering to mail me a check from Suntrust bank (the actual bank is SunTrust with a capital T). Fortunately, I have been through this scam before with another purchaser (did my research that time, too, and avoided the scam). They will offer to mail you a check, send the wrong amount ("oops! I made it out for $10,000 instead of $1000, please take 10% and wire me back the remaining amount")... then after your check "clears" and you send them the remaining money.... the check bounces. Do not accept money from someone contacting you with this phone number. Think to yourself... who would send a valid check for $1000 through the mail to a complete stranger?! Permalink: