NOVUS PROJECT LTD reported a Unknown Caller (3057020520 from MIAMI area, FL). The following comments were posted: We just got this number, (1 year ago) as a new number from our provider INTERMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS INC - FL. We are a European Construction Tourism company with offices located in Miami,FL. Unfortunately after a week getting weird phone calls from desperate people, asking assistance for their computer system. we realized that this number was being used from a fake Computer repair company..... These guys are a big scam. They are trying to sell Anti-virus programs claiming to be from Microsoft and state that they know that your computer has multiple viruses. They then ask for remote access. poop !!!! The companys name is "PC CARE" and all the employes working there are Pakistanis or Indians. OUR COMPANY "NOVUS PROJECT LTD" IS 100% LEGIT and never called for telemarketing or any selling purposes!!!!!
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The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: