Nonya Business Just Putting Out Info reported a Unknown Caller (3049653744 from ELKVIEW area, WV). The following comments were posted: Kevin is a scammer. He does not pay his bills. Collection Agencys are sitting in line waiting to get their money from him. He gets his money from fase insurance claims and he is a PUNK!!! WANT TO DESTROY PEOPLE JUST LIKE HIS NO GOOD OF A FATHER JAMES. WANTS TO PICK ON DISABLED PEOPLE AND SMACK THEM AROUND!!! LET ME SEE YOU SMACK A HANDICAPPED PERSON AGAIN AND I WILL CALL THE COPS ON UR butt !! KEVINS MOM WAS A FAT butt female dog AND SHE DIES WEIGING LIKE 900 POUNDS AND HIS NO GOOD OF A DAD ABUSED HER TO!!! JUST LIKE HE ABUSES HIS NEPHEW WHO IS DISABLED AND ALL.... PTTTHHHH!!! SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT THESE LOWLIFES!!! SMMFH!!! SCAMMERS AND LOWLIFES! BEWARE IF YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH THESE CROOKS!!!
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The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: