Mike reported a Prison/Jail Collect Call (9054574556 from area, ON). The following comments were posted: Scam Alert !! BEWARE OF THIS PERSON !! This bs artist is the same person who offers SolidWorks AutoCAD - 2D 3D Design Drafting Services, also posts sells illegal software. On kijjji Craigslist..( Google these numbers ( 905-457-4556 )( 647-218-4556) To see what other people posted about him. His wife Natalia runs a illegal DayCare service in her home and has been charged many times by Peel Police and RCMP.She sometimes leaves Saad Abdo to illegally supervise children while she steps out. This person is a is a conceded major CON ARTIST who posts up glamor shots of himself to look like hes is a honest person. http:toronto.kijiji.caf-autocad-Classifieds-W0QQKeywordZautocadQQPageZ3 However he is nothing but a thief, liar snake, and coward offering illegal services and sells counterfeit computer software, fake concert tickets, fake handbages, fake ttc tickets and pornographic material on the side.He does this to send money home to Algeria and fund the Islam Religion Movement. This guy is a bd and should be removed out of Canada and should be sent home, so he can live back with the Poor Sewer Rat family that he came from. Saad Abdo ( a.k.a. Behzadvaghei ) 18 larkfield rd Brampton, Ontario L6v 2t3 905-965-4556 905-457-4556 647-218-4556 Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/905-457-4556.html