Unknown reported a Telemarketer (9413128877 from SARASOTA area, FL). The following comments were posted: Indian jerk called to sell a credit card. I asked him to take me off the list and hung up. he called back and told me to shove my phone up my butt I hung up and he called back a 3rd time. thats when I asked him if he understood English...he did not like that but has not called back since. it has only been about 5 minutes though.
The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/941-312-8877.html
The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/941-312-8877.html