Dont Own A Honda reported a Collection Agency (8669507780 from area, ). The following comments were posted: My wife gets called several times a day on her cell phone from this number, it is Honda Financial Services, or most probably, some sub-contracted collection agency (assumption made from their detestable customer service of which Honda would NEVER approve of if they really knew) HFS has contracted with to find people who for whatever reasons, are behindlate on car payments. These sub-contractors care nothing for you or your situation, they only get paid if they get you recorded saying your DOB and SSN as a verified contact for the loan. Unfortunately, they will resort to anything to get this info, the two items of information that NO ONE SHOULD GIVE OUT OVER THE PHONE!! My wife and I do not currently own a Honda, have not owned a Honda for several decades, nor have EVER financed anything through Honda Financial Services. We have a Pressure washer that has a Honda engine, that is it. But, somehow HFS has been given my wifes cell number by a family member, co-worker, or friend who used her as a personal reference, so, she is now targeted for this harassment. We cant change things, but, I have written a letter to Honda, Honda Financial Services, and local Honda dealers, explaining the situation, and also explaining to them that do they really, really want this to be the face of Honda cars in America? It was all I could think of to try and get a top down solution to this harassment. Put the trolling, detestable, bottom sucking sub-contractor collection firm out of business or at LEAST have them lose the HFS contract to make these robo-calls because Honda realizes the black-eye this gives them as a car company. We owned a string of Hondas back in the 1980s, but, would NEVER own one now just because of this situation. Attempting to Get Even with Trolls, one company at a time... Permalink: