Epic Fail reported a Unknown annoying caller (5598210032 from COALINGA area, CA). The following comments were posted: That awkward moment when you call and make a false report to DHS and the person you reported has a really good friend that took the call. Yeah, I would say Free Willy should be nominated as Biggest Moron of the Year. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL oh and by the way...you s.c.r.e.w. with my kid, your kid gets s.c.r.e.w.e.d with also breast for TAT!!!!
The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/559-821-0032.html
The above comment was automatically cleaned up by our system with the following notices: do not use vile language. Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/559-821-0032.html