Buster PhishingScam reported a Scammer/Fraudster (7042201708 from MONROE area, NC). The following comments were posted: Read THE TRUTH! http:goo.gl5erVX http:phonewiki.angelfire.comreversereport.html#POAmerica about 704-220-1708 Unlisted or Unregistered number RoboCall Scammers. Caller ID reported Home Security Location: Monroe, NC Landline Provider: INTERMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. or US LEC Switch Office: CHRXNCYIDS0. Gypsy SCAM artists spoofed CallID to FRAUD DataMine Phishing for ANY personal information! They know all about you and that youre on the National Do-Not-Call List because it was the SOURCE of their call list! Protect yourself! SAY NOTHING! 2 second silence is recorded to gather intel on you, then all data is saved in their database and used to pry more from you the next time they call. And they WILL call again. Answer no questions. Dont even verify your name! Tell them NOTHING, record the call and only ask questions like the street address and name of their company. Say only Do not call. We are registered on the national do not call list. Each violation will be prosecuted at $500 penalty. DO NOT CALL! then disconnect and dial 57 to send a call trace to law enforcement. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiMalicious_Caller_Identification Remember to follow-up and file a formal police report. Callers claim crime in my neighborhood has increased (yeah, with this call) I have been chosen to receive a free home security system just be allowing scammer to post a sign indicating I have a GE system installed or other lies. If you contact them in any way, such as Take us off your list opt-out online or by dialing 1, 2 or 9 then you are instead validating that a human ear is responding to the Turing Test and placed permanently ON their SUCKERS LIST. RED FLAG! Political Survey is their excuse to circumvent the National Do Not Call regulations. Call type: ScammersFraudsters Permalink: http://www.numberinvestigator.com/phone/704-220-1708.html